Well, it's hard to believe that we are past the half way mark in January already! We hope you had a lovely Christmas with your families and that 2008 brings wonderful times for you.
We had a quiet Christmas at home and spending time with family. It was nice to have Edwin at home for a couple of weeks and just potter around. Ashton had a fun Christmas and did very well on the present front, as nephews and grandchildren do!
2008 will be a great year with baby 2 on the way (currently 18 weeks pregnant). Ashton has started daycare for one day a week and seems to be enjoying playing with all the other kids.
The business (Trevor-Roberts Associates) looks to be taking yet another big leap forward this year, it is great to watch it blossom and see all the hard work pay off.
We hope you have a wonderful 2008. Remember: Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery and Today is a Present.
Love, Edwin, Tessa, Ashton and B2