We would like to Welcome our baby girl, Amelie to the world. Amelie arrived on Monday 16 June at 1.20pm. After talking so highly of epidurals, well, Amelie wasn't going to wait long enough for her mummy to have that luxury, so it was the old fashioned, drug free way for me! But with an hour, 20 minute labour, who am I to complain! So with two days in hospital, it was time for me to bail and be home with the boys. We are still finding our routine, but enjoying the chaos non-the-less. We are all going well and enjoying having Amelie around. Ashton is liking being the big brother and Amelie is getting lots of hugs and kisses from her brother. Although, a little jealously occurs when daddy is holding Amelie.

We have also started some renovations on the house, yes, timing! We are having a new outdoor area put onto the house to give us somewhere to sit outside with the kids. It has been great to finally see this start, as it has been a year in the planning. The current area wasn't very safe due to wayward golf balls! The new area is protected and will give us the feeling of an outdoor room.
We would like to also thank everyone who has sent through their congratulations on the arrival of Amelie. We hope you enjoy the photo's.
Edwin, Tessa, Ashton and Amelie