The last six months has been taken up by the many hours my sisters and I have spend sorting through mums possessions and preparing her house for sale. We must have done something right, it sold at its first open house - mum would have been so proud! The house settles next week and will become someone elses home, how surreal.
We closed the door and turned off the lights for the last time at mums house yesterday, so sad, relieved and so surreal. The sun shone so brightly this morning, so I took Amelie to the park and just sat and enjoyed. Despite the loss, the pain and missing mum so much, the sun rose today to make me realise that there is light and happiness and hope in the midst of sadness. In a way, it made me feel she was right there with me, watching over and wanting me to cherish the time with my own family the way she did with hers. With that, I just sat and watched my daughter explore and play, as a mother should, and in which I have done so little of over the last 11 months. A new day, a new chapter in this journey of my life. I miss her, but she is here, watching and still enjoying being a mother.
Here are a few pics of the kids on our recent break to NZ to visit the family.
I hope this email finds you all well. Remember to go out, breath the fresh air and take in the sunshine (for those who are lucky enough to live where there is lots of it!)!
Tessa, Edwin, Ashton & Amelie

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