29 January 2007

Growing Up

Ashton now has two teeth with more on the way! They are so cute - but poor child having a mother who is and ex-dental assistant - he already has a tooth brush and is getting his two little teeth brushed! He is going okay with it all, chewing everything and dribbling like there's not a drought in sight!

23 January 2007


We all had a wonderful Christmas with both our families here on Christmas Eve. We played games, chatted, played golf and didn't eat too much! Christmas day was busy with breakfast at my dad's then lunch at Eloise's (Edwin's sister). Ashton seemed to enjoy his first Christmas, even if he did get sensory overload and kept us awake for two nights in a row! It is true, children really do change the meaning of Christmas and make it more special.

Happy New Year - we hope 2007 brings you joy and happiness!

E,T & A

22 January 2007

The Star of the Show

Ashton eating his first bowl of porridge - definately his dad's son, loves his food!

Our New Family Blog Site

Hi everyone and Welcome to our new Blog site. With our recently extended family (well, not so recent anymore!), we thought this would be a great way to stay in touch and keep everyone up-to-date. We hope you enjoy it and when you have time, add some comments of your own.

Love, Tessa, Edwin and Ashton